
Any lightning rod can be customize to whatever you like. This includes adding weather vanes, custom made glass balls available in various styles, colors and sizes, arrows with stain glass tails, and compass points. The Photos give you an idea of the various styles clients have chosen.

3 Geese in FlightGeese in Flight...$499.90
Blue HeronBlue Heron...$354.90
Golfer Golfer...$349.90
Hawk Hawk...$499.90
Horse Horse
Lab Lab
Golden RetrieverGolden Retriever...$379.90
Martini ShakerMartini Shaker... $209.90 Garden Size
Mermaid Mermaid...$299.90
MotorcycleMotorcycle...$649.90 Garden Size $209.90
Quail Quail...$329.90
Rooster Rooster...$259.90
Sailboat Sailboat
Winebottle and GlassesWinebottle and Glasses
Race Car Race Car
Rifle with Scope Rifle with Scope $300